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Celebrating the first time cutting my own hair

I shaved my head again!
Well, actually I forgot how many times I shaved my head, but today is a special day - because I bought an electric shaver and shaved my own hair! ( •̀ ω •́ )y I am a money-saving expert.
Although I had the idea of doing it myself before, I thought it would be troublesome to clean up, so I kept putting it off.
A few days ago, while chatting with a friend, I suddenly thought of ordering an electric shaver, so I immediately placed an order and it arrived the next day. I started using it on the third day.
The actual operation was very easy. I just needed to choose the desired length in centimeters, attach the head to the shaver, and start it. The first time I didn't have enough experience, and I was wearing a T-shirt, so I ended up with hair all over my clothes. The area above my ears and the back of my neck were not shaved well because I am highly nearsighted and can only wear glasses or blindly shave. I haven't read any tutorials yet. (I think most people are like this, they receive something, glance at the instruction manual, don't watch tutorial videos, and just start using it themselves)
After cleaning up (why don't I have a vacuum cleaner QwQ), I took off the shaver blade and washed it with water. After washing, I regretted it because I read the instructions and it said to lubricate the shaver blade with oil after washing, but the delivery box didn't come with oil, so I have to buy it myself. I can also use the oil for a bicycle chain.
That's the end of my shaving experience.
Overall, the feeling of around 20mm is the best. I shaved with 9mm before, and it felt hard and uncomfortable. This time I chose 21mm, and it feels fluffy and I love it (●'◡'●).

Postscript: After shaving, I immediately took a photo to show off to my mom, and while being urged to return to my home country, I cried poverty and successfully obtained the travel expenses for returning home hahaha.

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